How To Avoid The Top Summer Skin Disasters: Part Two

How To Avoid The Top Summer Skin Disasters: Part TwoSummer's almost upon us, the season when we bare the most skin, but with all that sun and heat sometimes it causes unsightly skin issues making it natural to just want to cover up! Read on to discover how to keep your face and body blemish-free and beautiful so you can reap all the benefits summer brings.

Mosquito Bites

Before heading outdoors, spray your skin with a bug spray containing DEET to avoid the itchy, swollen unsightly bug bite and to protect yourself from the parasites and viruses (ie. West Nile) that mosquitos carry. Pay close attention to ankles and wrist, where mosquitoes bite first. If you still get bit, rubbing ice on the bites will soothe them as they heal and reduce not only swelling but itching too since the body cannot perceive both the cold and itch simultaneously. If the itchiness persists treat the bites with a topical steroid and take an antihistamine if the swelling is excessive.

Bikini Line Bumps

Whether you wax or shave, this is a sensitive area and can become easily inflamed when bacteria gets into the hair follicles, causing irritation, ingrown hairs and pimples. Shaving is considerably worse because you're not only removing hair but layers of skin, making it that much more sensitive. If you do notice red bumps treat them with a hydrocortisone cream and or aloe vera gel. To prevent them we highly recommend scheduling your bikini waxing appointments every 4 weeks and using the Crystal Peel Microdermabrasion Soap to prevent ingrown hairs.

Choosing the wrong sunscreen

It can be tough to choose a sunscreen that is best for your skin type. If you're prone to eczema or dryness an alcohol-based spray or gel can leave your skin parched. If you have acne-prone skin those “moisturizing” sunscreens can trigger breakouts. Likewise, if you have sensitive skin it's highly advised that you avoid sunscreens that contain chemicals and stick to a physical sunscreen that contains zinc oxide or titanium dioxide. No matter what your skin type, everyone should use a broad-spectrum SPF 30 to protect your skin from both UVA and UVB rays. Stop into any of our 4 locations and discuss which sunscreen is best for your skin with a professional skin care therapist and be on your way to healthier looking skin in no time!