Scrub your way to soft skin with a new soap bar

Microdermabrasion bar soap, ideal for keratosis Polaris, folliculitis and eczema

microdermabrasion soap barI'm picky.

I admit it, and I'm proud of it.

That's why you'll only find certain products and product lines on our shelves. Choosing a favorite among them is like asking me to choose a favorite among my children.


We are huge fans of one of our newest products, the Microdermabrasion Exfoliating Soap Bar.

Do you know the fresh, baby-soft feeling you get after a microdermabrasion facial treatment? That's how your body feels all over after you shower with this bar. It's hard as a rock. Just add some water, and the scrubby bits exfoliate away dull and dry skin while the creamy lather softens. Your skin feels massaged, renewed, and silky.

We know the price tag might raise your eyebrows, but this bar... LASTS. Unlike other soaps that become mushy when left in water, this bar stays solid and only shrinks from use. Pick up yours during your next visit!

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