Waxing vs. Shaving: Our Answers to Your Questions

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Ever wonder if it is better to shave or wax? At Pia Day Spa we are asked many questions about the two. Here are our most popular questions with our answers. We hope this can give you a little insight into making a decision, to shave or to wax.

Brazilian wax in Tampa1. Which one stays smoother longer?

Waxing pulls the hair out from the root, so the regrowth turnaround is a good 3-4 weeks. That's a month of smooth skin! Shaving snips the hair from the surface of the skin, so the regrowth turnaround is about 1 week to 10 days. Many people end up shaving three times per week. Many people think that shaving causes hair to grow back faster, but this isn't true. The illusion is because the hair isn't being pulled from the root so the time for regrowth is considerably shorter. Waxing ensures a long regrowth period, so you are able to have smoother skin for up to a month.

2. Which one makes my hair grow back thinner?

Shaving can make hair to appear to grow back thicker. Have you ever shaved and the next day you can see the thick roots coming up? The reason for this is that since the hair isn't pulled from the root, the basic nature of the hair remains the same. Hence, it may seem that the hair has grown back thicker. Waxing is considered a semi-permanent hair removal because waxing regularly over an extended period of time causes hair to grow back thinner and finer. The hair grows back finer because during waxing hairs are pulled from the root.

3. Which one is faster?

A full shave can take about 15-20 minutes - assuming you clould reach every part of your body - and the average individual needs to shave every 3 days to maintain smooth skin, this means you end up shaving 10 times a month. So in 1 month, you spend 150 to 200 minutes total shaving your hair. Waxing does require prep time for the wax to warm, but when your wax is ready to go, a full body wax takes about 9 0 minutes and it's done once a month. That's a huge time saving compared to shaving.

4. Which one is less uncomfortable?

Waxing does seem like it would be more painful than shaving, but a lot depends on the pain tolerance of the person. Overall, shaving can cause a lot of discomfort for day to weeks after. When shaving, you can seriously harm yourself when the blades are too sharp or if you're not paying attention to what you're doing. Although waxing could pose some risks - especially if it's not performed by a trained professional - there are plenty of spa businesses and hair removal specialists that you can go to in case you don't feel confident enough to do it yourself. We recommend going to a professional for the best waxing experience.

Tampa Pia Day Spa WaxContact Us

If you're interested in waxing, we have professional estheticians waiting to make your flawless smooth skin dreams a reality.
Pia is Brazilian wax in Tampa . Pia is Bikini Wax in St Pete. Pia is perfect waxing.